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Four Steps to Help Your Recruitment Firm Develop Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Written by Cluen | May 7, 2018 5:10:00 PM

In a highly competitive talent market, you must be creative if you want to retain and recruit today’s top talent. Developing targeted marketing campaigns can build brand awareness, engage passive talent, help retain current clients and even uncover new business.

Here are some steps that will be vital in helping your firm develop targeted marketing campaigns:

Define Your Value Proposition

Differentiate your brand by making sure your mission statement is authentic. Your mission statement will make candidates and clients feel connected and unique and will prove the best results. We have seen clients do this by sharing knowledge, success stories and even specific failures that their companies learned from. What challenges has your firm had and how did you overcome these obstacles? What are the advantages to partnering with a recruitment firm like yours? How can you be trusted?

It is important that you create your own reporting metrics to measure success and define the various marketing channels to promote this information. You can push this information through various channels, such as Linkedin or Twitter, depending on what is most appropriate for your firm.

Examples of reporting metrics/goals:
  • Click rates
  • Open rates
  • Impressions
  • Responses/engagement
  • Brand awareness

Create Engagement Portals & Optimize Your Marketing Funnel

Develop and separate groups of contact lists to create targeted, personalized messaging for distinct audiences. The goal is to create engagement portals for potential candidates, current clients, and prospective clients. Review what each of these groups’ specific experience looks like from the candidate, existing and new client perspective.

Develop Targeted Content & Tailored Thought Leadership

If you do not have a dedicated marketing team you can develop an internal process when it comes to creating your marketing content. Share responsibility with other members of the team to ensure variety in your voice. Develop new content ideas based on specific project experiences and always make sure to track content engagement to find out what works and what doesn’t. What stories would connect each of your groups separately? What stories could connect them and resonate with all of them?

Examples of Tailored Marketing Content:

1. Create content that addresses a client’s specific business challenge. The passive candidate audience may find this content quite engaging and ultimately become interested in being submitted to the role or a future role.

2. If you are promoting a position, you could build a story for what could it be like to work at XYZ company.

Although it is wonderful to share your personal success stories, sharing other news is a great tactic as well. Do not forget to continue the conversation. Make sure your communication is targeted to provide the reader with an excellent candidate and/or client experience.

Refine Your Marketing/Sales Pipeline Strategy

Create an internal process for how your business development process is handled. When you receive a lead from your marketing efforts, it’s important to follow up and nurture these relationships. As someone becomes engaged with your company, how will you nurture the relationship through time?

If executed properly, targeted marketing campaigns can add real value to your recruitment business. Not only will you build your company’s brand and image, you will build valuable relationships and connections in the process. Using these steps can help you engage with your existing audience and reactivate old, stale relationships.